Total registred domain in world

Domain Registration

Total host names registerd in world

Host Names

Total web servers in the world

Web Servers

Total SSL certificate in World

SSL Certificates

Register domain service

Domain & Web Hosting

A domain name is the first step in your online journey. We securely register and manage domain names with transparent, no-mark-up pricing that eliminates surprise renewal fees and hidden add-on charges. Moreover, we avail security features like two-factor authentication, multi-user support, and a security-focused customer support team that gives businesses an assurance that their domain is safe.

At Accrete, we manage all your web hosting needs with a flexible, affordable and reliable solution. We provide quality web hosting on Servers through our alliance. Each hosting package allows you to set up your website effortlessly and manage it effectively with the help of our web- based user- friendly Hosting Management Interface.

We also offer SSL Certificate to secure your website by encrypting data from transactions, transfers and logins.

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