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Strategies for Voice Search Optimization

Search Is Getting Smarter Than Ever Before with voice search. 

Hey Siri, What is voice search?

Voice search is a method of searching the internet using only your voice. A device can detect your speech and enter your query into a search engine using artificial intelligence. Voice search optimization, on the other hand, is the process of improving and streamlining the material on your sites in order for them to appear in voice searches. This procedure gives you the opportunity to have your page read aloud by a voice search device (Alexa, Siri, OkGoogle) whenever a user requests information about your page.

Although voice search began as a tiny notion, it has grown to become one of the most essential themes in the search market. The convenience of searching with speech is unrivaled, and users can't get enough of it. The concept of voice search started with smartphones then quickly escalated to smart speakers and voice assistants worldwide.

Number of Digital Voice Assistants in Use Worldwide from 2019 and 2023 (in billions).


With the expected near-quadruple increase in voice search, it's vital that we generate content that's optimized for it. Otherwise, we'll have a hard time gaining organic traction. Given the severe rivalry for search engine rankings, the road ahead will only become more difficult.

Alexa, so how do I optimize SEO and content for voice search?


Build Pages That Answer FAQs:
Enter a question that has something to do with your website and see what comes up. There's a good possibility you'll come across a box labeled "people also ask." The FAQ function appears for a variety of searches and highlights the questions that your target audience frequently asks.
When conducting voice searches, people frequently ask inquiries beginning with "Who," "What," "Where," "When," "Why," and "How." They're looking for solutions to a pressing problem. Answer people's inquiries, assist them in resolving their problems, and make it fun. If you can accomplish this better than everyone else, Google will have no trouble pulling content from your site and displaying it as a rich snippet.


Claim Your Google My Business Listing:
We already know that individuals use their voice to search for things "near me." Our Google My Business listing is the criteria that decides whether we rank for certain queries.
A Google My Business listing informs Google that your company is located in a specific location. Your business could rank for that query if someone asks Google to show them similar businesses in the region.
Your listing must include your name, address, and phone number (NAP). Furthermore, selecting the appropriate business categories and supplying area codes are critical. To make your business stand out, you may also add posts with special promotions, news, or updates.
So if you haven’t claimed your Google My Business listing yet, now’s the time to do so! Claiming and enhancing your Google My Business listing is a wonderful way to give Google more information about your company, such as its industry, hours of operation, and more. When a relevant voice search is performed, keeping this property up to date boosts your chances of appearing in the results.


Focus on Long-Tail Keywords:
Yes, due to their conversational character, voice searches take longer than searches done on a keyboard. Furthermore, we all know that Google favors long-form, comprehensive material. We cannot prepare content separately for each and every voice search term, but we can surely include all terms in a full-fledged post. Long-tail keywords, as well as filler words, should be prioritized in order to achieve the greatest results in voice search rankings.


Use schema markup to provide context to your content:
Structured data markup, or schema, is a type of markup that helps search engines understand your content. This HTML add-on has a significant impact on SEO, namely rich snippets. The goal of schema markup is to help search engines find your site by providing a complete picture of what your content is about and your intent.
When you use schema markup in your voice search strategy, you're just providing a signal of intent and relevance to the search engines.
Over 40% of voice results were derived from the featured sample, according to a research. Just like with voice search, featured snippets need to pull the exact information you’re looking for, so it’s likely they look at structured data to decide what information should be shown.


Think Mobile:
At Google I/O 2019, all of the main announcements were either directly linked to mobile or tools tied to mobile. Google places a premium on the mobile experience and promises to improve it day by day. Because most vocal questions are asked on mobile, it easily outperforms other devices when it comes to voice search queries. You should be fully prepared to provide an exceptional mobile user experience. It's critical to create mobile-friendly content with a mobile-first strategy, and there are a few ways to do so:
Create a website that is mobile-friendly.
Run a mobile-friendly test on your website and make any necessary adjustments.
To ensure that your content gets seen and heard, your website should be crawlable.

Is voice search more useful, convenient, or simply fashionable?
Many people who grew up in an era when technology couldn't respond have a negative perception of talking to our phones when there isn't another human on the other end.
Younger generations are less hesitant, and most consider voice search to be "tech-savvy." You must also respond, and by matching searcher intent and offering the best user experience, you can ensure that you receive more organic traffic via voice search. Voice search is certainly on the rise, and we'd be remiss in the SEO industry if we ignored it.

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